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Synesthesia, 2018
Local spices of Kerala [India]


This work juxtaposes two dimensions of the contemporary identity of India, on the one hand the internationally recognized image as a colorful country of smells and flavors, and on the other the country of constant growing electronic waste. Here we present the growth of e-waste in India since 2007 and a forecast to 2025 by using local spices from Kochi [Kerala region] as illustration. This information includes e-waste generated domestically as well as imported from first world countries, of which 95% is processed by the informal sector on the peripheries of the largest urban areas of the country.
We have adopted a common information visualization tool that refers to the spice market of Kerala [India]. We use a tilted table with 11 sections filled with different locally produced spices in proportion to the figures handled each year. On the wall we leave handwritten part of the sources used to investigate the increase of waste electronics in India.

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Product Name: Synesthesia