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resistArt artists in Olso Freedom Forum

Luis Otero AlcántaraCamila R. LobónSandra Ceballos are among the artists whose works will be featured in the exhibition presented during section  “Forging your own path” of Oslo Freedom Forum that has just began in Norway.  The exhibition is curated by Claudia Genlui Hidalgo and will be open until June 17.  

Oslo Freedom Forum is an annual conference that takes place in Norwegian capital since 2009. One of the key objectives of the conferences is to bring together notable people, including former heads of state, winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, prisoners of conscience, as well as of other public figures in order to network and exchange ideas about human rights and exposing dictatorships.

Other artists of the exhibition: Marcos Gómez, Ernesto Javier Fernández, Nonardo Perea, David Peraza, Ana Olema, Lázaro Saavedra,  Raychel Carrión, Erik Ravelo and Katherine Bisquet.


On the photo the works of /from the left/: Sandra Ceballos, La cena del parlante arrepentido;

Camila R. Lobón, from the series Ego; 

Luis Manuel Otero Alcantra,  Retrato al Carbón del gato de Schrödinger

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