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Sociograms, Hamlet Lavastida and Juan Miguel Pozo in Miami

Hamlet Lavastida and Juan Miguel Pozo, a first time together in the exhibition Sociograms curated by Dot Fiftyone Gallery in Miami (USA). "Sociograms" is a thought-provoking experience that challenges perceptions and encourages a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between art, politics, and culture – declares the gallery. As resident artists in Berlin, Lavastida and Pozo…

Internal Order, a new solo exhibition of Hamlet Lavastida

This is Hamlet Lavastida's first solo exhibition in Crone Gallery in Vienna. Internal order is composed of large-scale wall installations, delicate paper cuttings, and a video work in which Lavastida examines the repressive methods of totalitarian states and the rebellion strategies of oppositional peace and freedom movements.  H A M L E T   L A…

Solveig Font with a Fellowship from ARC and Pen International

We are happy to inform that our curator, Solveig Font, became a fellow of 2023 Cuban Migrant Artist Resilience granted by Artists at Risk Connection (ARC) and Pen International. The Cuban Migrant Artists Resilience Fellowship provides artists with a resilience grant of 7,000 USD and six months of personalized individual virtual training and professional development…

Camila Lobón and Nelson Jalil in Proj3ct of Zapata Gallery

Camila Lobón’s and Nelson Jalil’s artworks are presented today in Zapata Gallery (Miami, USA) as a part of Project 3 (Proj3ct). Curated by Rodolfo de Athayde, Proj3ct is a presentation of three individual exhibitions that coexist in parallel, and tell their own stories with their own languages. Camila Lobón will show  Epizootia, a collection of illustrations,…
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