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Hamlet Lavastida in Kyiv Biennial 2023

Hamlet Lavastida is one of the artists that have been invited to the fifth edition of the Kyiv Biennial that will take place in different European cities -  starting from Kyiv in October 2023 finishing in Berlin in 2024. This…

Panel Art in Resistance during Campus Poland 2023

Campus Poland for the Future 2023, a socio-political festival of the democratic opposition in Poland gathers intellectuals, artists, politicians and experts from all different areas. For the resistArt Gallery it was a unique space and audience comprised mostly of young…

July 11 in Cuba: two years later

Two years ago on July 11 Cubans all over the island - from Santiago de Cuba to Havana – took to the streets in protest. They were fed up with progressive impoverishment, lack of food, lack of work, lack of…

resistArt artists in Olso Freedom Forum

Luis Otero Alcántara, Camila R. Lobón, Sandra Ceballos are among the artists whose works will be featured in the exhibition presented during section  “Forging your own path” of Oslo Freedom Forum that has just began in Norway.  The exhibition is curated by Claudia Genlui Hidalgo…

Las Mieles, the first exhibition of resistArt

On February 23 - 25 , 2023 in Madrid resistArt gallery inaugurated its activity with the collective exhibition of contemporary Cuban and Spanish artists Las Mieles, during the second edition of Foro Intemperie: Art, Politics and Obsession. Las Mieles talks about…

Nelson Jalil’s work in Dom Museum in Vienna

The work Algo vivo dentro de algo muerto [Something alive inside something dead] of Nelson Jalil can be seen in Dom Museum in Vienna [Austria] until August 27, 2023.  Jalil’s installation, that is already a part of Dom Museum Wien Otto…
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